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Let’s meet up and eat chocolate tortoni.

I've had a wonderful time on my book tour this fall, and am looking forward to my last readings of 2010! Decatur, GA / Mon, Nov 29 at 7:15pm – I'm delighted to return to the Georgia Center for the Book on Monday, November 29th, for a reading from Creative …

be conscious of your treasures.

(Reposted from Thanksgiving 2006, because we can never have enough sliced cranberry sauce from a can.) “The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.” – John E. Southard In the U.S., this week marks our Thanksgiving holiday. A vegetarian, there will …

with deep thanks.

To our nation’s veterans, and to all those who want to serve, but who haven’t yet been given that right, my thanks. My deepest hope is that we will one day stop creating wars from which veterans must, but sometimes do not, return home. [A sousaphone player I gave birth …

happy halloween, goblins.

[painting by Tess Ptak]

walk into fire with us and write your heart out.

My recent writing rant was borne of a recognition that we spend more time talking about wanting to write than actually writing. We spend more time trying to be clever than just picking up our ordinary and writing. We spend more time on the shape of the outcome than on …

thinking thursday : vote is a verb. and so is inequality.

In this desperate slide toward election day, I am being bombarded by hate that is fueled by ignorance and fear and power and vast amounts of money. Bombarded. Vote is a Verb, friends. Don't let hate win. I was surprised recently by a comment on my Facebook page that indicted …

book tour in watercolor – connecticut sky

I am documenting my book tour in watercolor. Here's the backstory: I recently met Jane LaFazio, a San Diego-based artist who was teaching in Western North Carolina, and staying in a bed and breakfast just across the street from my house. Because she would be there on her birthday, I …

Creatively stuck? Come, learn The Six Creative Commitments to get you unstuck!

[Rock My World rocks by Kim Mailhot] I'm so excited to hit the road and share The Six Creative Commitments from my newest book, Creative is a Verb: If You're Alive, You're Creative. I hope you'll join me at one of my stops starting October 16th – there will be …


Tonight I'll be celebrating for all of the Chilean miners and their families, and for everyone who has had a long, dark stuck period in their life–only to be pulled to the surface at the last minute.  -Amy McCracken With prayers for their safekeeping. And for all of us, above …

mindful monday : thanks for coming out.

[art by Kim Joris] On this National Coming Out Day… I want to tell my many LGBTQI friends that I love them. I want us all to recognize that LGBTQI people have to come out every single day of their lives … and that we should work toward a world …