I am not interested in political statements or warnings or diatribes on this anniversary of 9/11. I’m not inclined to write a post about how we’ve lost our way in the years since then, about how the terrorists have won if their goal was to irretrievably break this country apart …

carry on and buy art.
From a Facebook posting of mine: Friends and Fellow Country(wo)men, A lot of people own small businesses. And many people are artists and musicians and creative sparks who make their living making their art. AND ISN’T THAT FANTASTIC! You know what isn’t fantastic? When you go to an art fair …

poetry wednesday : alternate heaven for black boys
Danez Smith will be a featured speaker at the 2019 Life is a Verb Camp.

poets translate things from one language to another
Yesika Salgado, the self-described “LA born Salvadoran Fat Fly Poet,” drips with a fierce love of her curves. Her poems bask in the glory of being “fat and beautiful” with works including “On the Bad Days” and “How Not to Make Love to a Fat Girl” along with her TedTalk “What Comes After …

poets merely pose for photographs
The son of migrant farm workers, Juan Felipe Herrera was educated at UCLA and Stanford University, and he earned his MFA from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His numerous poetry collections include 187 Reasons Mexicanos Can’t Cross the Border: Undocuments 1971-2007, Half of the World in Light: New and Selected Poems (2008), …

sunday sounds – tracy chapman and luciano pavoratti
If I could sing like anyone, I’d sing like Tracy Chapman. Here’s her voice with that of Pavoratti, a study in contrasts – and, at the end – of sweet, simple harmony.

The Courage to be Mortal
On my birthday in 2012, my friend Laurie Foley was diagnosed with ovarian cancer; every year as I grew older, I was reminded of the day that changed her life forever. She died two years ago today. I am not sure how I’ve managed in these past two years because she …

poetry wednesday
Poetry Wednesday is back! You might not love poetry, or feel you can’t understand it, and that’s okay. Just luxuriate in the words that help us see the world in a new way. Write them down, copy the poems, read or sing them aloud. Dive in. Don’t worry about meaning …
37 years ago today
Daddy was a barber. He opened “Modern Barber Shop” in our North Carolina town, and my childhood was spent there; days after school were for sweeping hair and playing school by myself in the cozy, dark little vestibule at the back of the shop. I didn’t know it at the …