Make art from lunch.
Every single meal cries out for artfulness. I learned it from Daddy, whose canvas was pancakes. Can you form a name from cheese? From carrots? From mustard and ketchup on your veggie dog? Can a banana become a cause for celebration? I think so. It takes just an instant. It …
Guide your tweenbot to safety
Broken, Unbroken The lonely stand in dark corners of their hearts. I have seen them in cities, and in my own neighborhood, nor could I touch them with the magic that they crave to be unbroken. Then, I myself, lonely, said hello to good fortune. Someone came along and lingered …
Make 10: Look in the mirror
"My face is a gift, because my shadow side is on the outside, where I have had to deal with it. Paradoxically, I have been made whole through (and with) what originally seemed to be my flaws." –David Roche As I have traveled around the country reading from Life is …