your daily rock : be here now.
We rarely stay in this moment. We are always looking forward, or looking back, aren’t we? Why is that? And what would happen if we stopped doing that, and allowed ourselves to be here, in this moment, and only here? I wonder. I think here is where the magic is. …
your daily rock : we are always in choice
There is so much in life we feel we don’t control: natural disasters, man’s inhumanity to man, economic crashes, and so much more. You may not choose your circumstance–whether a meeting room without windows or the sudden announcement that your partner or spouse doesn’t love you anymore–but you are always …
your daily rock : make friends with your fear
Your fear is your greatest teacher. Stop resisting it. You only make it bigger. Walk toward it. Befriend it. Learn from it. “We invent what we love, and what we fear.” – John Irving Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock …
your daily rock : pain = change
My story of this rock is here. See pain as a teacher, not a dictator. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.
your daily rock : we all have wings
“Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings.” – Victor Hugo You have wings. Go ahead and sing. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, …
your daily rock : i know you by heart
I love this. I know you by heart. I know you by your smell and your sound. I know you by heart. You may know others by heart; do you know yourself by heart? Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock …
your daily rock : your purpose is to be.
As my friend, Lauren Rosenfeld says, “Your to-BE list is more important than your to-DO list.” Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.
your daily rock : trust your heart
Measurements and return-on-investments and profit-and-loss statements. They are often the wrong way to gauge the goodness or rightness of something. We need to create a new spreadsheet. In matters of life, trust your heart instead. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The …
your daily rock : purge
Let go deeply. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.