your daily rock : dare to hope
“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” ? Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams What do you hope …
your daily rock : lower the bar
In my experience, we often hold ourselves to higher standards than the measures to which we hold others. Good lord. All that striving is exhausting. Lower your bar. Give yourself some grace. Aim for the middle of the road sometimes. Give yourself some breathing space. Love, (These …
your daily rock : signal your intent
Signal your turns. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.
your daily rock : reach out and touch someone
We all know someone who is hurting, someone who is lonely, someone who is grieving. Today, reach out to them. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.
your daily rock : stop the cycle
Our lives are patterns. Some destructive. Some sustaining. We can’t stop any of those patterns or cycles unless we can name them. Grooves and ruts in our consciousness – and even below that surface, deeper, unknown and unseen except for the debris they leave behind. Be mindful of the moments …
your daily rock : celebrate yourself!
Today, stop by the grocery store and buy a small pack of birthday candles. Use at least half of them today in mini-celebrations of yourself: You remembered to water the plants! CELEBRATION! Stick those candles in your breakfast foods (they totally rock stuck in the holes of raspberries), in your …
your daily rock : please don’t judge
I have judged people. And they have judged me. It is an ecosystem that flourishes because we all keep judging. What if we stopped? We can’t stop ourselves from judging, but we can stop ourselves from acting on that judgement. Judging, making decisions about people based on very little information, …
your daily rock : say “yes!”
When I speak to a group about “saying yes!” inevitably someone, and it is usually a woman, will raise their hand and say, “Oh, that’s not what I need to learn. I say ‘yes’ too easily. What I need to learn to do is say ‘no’ more often.” When I …
your daily rock : do what you love
If there is no other lesson I have learned in life, it is this one: Do what you love. It doesn’t mean you will never do things you don’t love, but it means you will allow your heart to spend time in the realm of passion, doing what you love …
your daily rock : break your heart wide open
At my Design Your Life Camp this past weekend, hearts were broken wide open all over the place. It was absolutely gorgeous. Like a violin that starts to thrum when another violin is played across the room. There is beauty in that brokenness. And there is redemption. And a humanness …