How To Survive The Holidays
I am using this month to regroup—are you? We are leaving behind the mania of Christmas and holiday buying: We have what we need. I’m focused on enjoying these days in which we say goodbye to 2013, on having both of our kids home, of navigating into a new, less complicated season in front of the fire.
your daily rock : stay close
People near you are hurting. Stay available. Stay close. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.
your daily rock : lend a hand
Watch this video. That is what follow through looks like. That is what truly lending a hand looks like. That is what sharing your expertise looks like. Looking beyond the surface to the genius, the light below. Taking time to help another human being. Showing up for them. Can you …
your daily rock : be unsure
Knowing keeps us from learning. Knowing keeps us from true dialogue. Knowing keeps us clever and separated from experience. Being unsure opens us up to discovery. Being unsure allows us to listen. Being unsure plops us right in the middle of what is and what we are experiencing. Be unsure. …
your daily rock : accept or change
Sometimes life provides us with circumstances we don’t like and don’t want. This provides us with a decision point: Either we can invest in our yearning (what we want) or we can invest in the obstacles that keep us from that yearning. We can either accept what is, or we …
your daily rock : say hello!
It doesn’t cost anything. It isn’t as awkward as it might seem. It can bring a smile to your face, and to theirs. Today, say hello to people you see in the grocery store, at the library, on Main Street. Say hello to people you know and don’t know. Say …
your daily rock : listen to your life
There is a deep, resonant music in your bones, your bloodstream, every beat of your heart. There is a rhythm to your life, a calling, a coursing, a fortississimo song some days, a dolce melody others, a discordant harmony the next. Can you feel it? Can you hear it? Are …
your daily rock : love is the answer to every question
(It is a fine day when the perfect quotation for the day’s rock is by a certain movie star.) “There are four questions of value in life… What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living “for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to …
your daily rock : write a thank you note
For four years now, I have written a thank you note every morning. It has changed how I see the world. I look for opportunities to thank, not opportunities to criticize. It is not new skills we need to change our lives–it is new mindsets. Today, write a thank you …
your daily rock : being alive is a special occasion
In the U.S., we are celebrating Thanksgiving today–some will spend the day with family, cooking and laughing and eating too much, perhaps. Others will be working today. Some won’t celebrate at all. Regardless of what today means to you, or how you spend the day, what is true for all …