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your daily rock : give comfort

“But Piglet is so small that he slips into a pocket, where it is very comfortable to feel him when you are not quite sure whether twice seven is twelve or twenty-two.”  ? A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh I hope you can find a way to be a little Piglet for someone today. Tuck …

your daily rock : reconnect

As this year winds down, reconnect. Reconnect with people you love and have lost touch with. Reconnect with your inner child, that little self that was full of wonder. Reconnect with the beat of your own heart. Reconnect with all you have ever wished for. Reconnect with your capacity to …

thinking thursday.

MIND It’s time for all the year-end round-up lists. Here’s one to ponder: The 5 most underrated books of 2013. I can point to a handful of thinkers and writers who have shaped my intellectual landscape: Authors William Gaddis, Richard Powers, Virginia Woolf, and Audre Lorde are among them. So are strategists …

your daily rock : transform

  My friend Laurie Foley taught me this, a knowing borne of her journey with ovarian cancer: We have the capacity to transform states of energy. From terror to the energy of presence and love. From fear to hope. From hate to love.  In Laurie’s words, “How do you want …

new ways

Having spent 2013 decluttering and downsizing, gift buying and giving has irrevocably changed for me this holiday season. More experiences, fewer things, for one. Less “stuff” in general. Consciously so, each interaction with “things” a different conversation in my head. And it is interesting, having stepped back from consumerism, to …

your daily rock : you make a difference

Here’s the deal. You make a difference in ways you can never know. For all the people who might tell you what a difference you make, there are so very many more who don’t say it, but feel it. It might not seem that way. But it is. Trust this …

your daily rock : you know the answer

You know the answer. Some days it really doesn’t feel that way. It seems like everyone else knows, but you don’t. Some days it’s really easy to doubt yourself, to wonder where to look for answers. Some days it’s too easy to ask “why” you feel a certain way–asking “why” …

your daily rock : feel good now

Don’t postpone happy. Don’t postpone joy. Don’t postpone eating well. Don’t postpone moving your body. It is no badge of honor to put yourself last, work too hard, eat on the run, sit too long, be too important to play. Don’t postpone feeling good right now. Love,     (These …

your daily rock : tell it like it is

Sometimes we don’t “tell  it like it is”  for fear of disrupting the calm we hope to maintain (keeping in mind there is no “is” that is the same for everyone, so we would be telling our “is,” and not assuming it is someone else’s “is”). Sometimes, we’re ill-equipped to tell it …

your daily rock : go forward.

You are here now. There is only one way to go from here. Take a step. Go forward. Love,     (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.