your daily rock : keep it very simple
I used to create wildly elaborate lists of resolutions, goals, intentions. I’m a list maker. I like making lists and checking things off of them willy-nilly. I liked the challenge of it, the feeling of moving forward, the learning. This year there are no lists. Well, one. With two items …
your daily rock : look within
Stop looking outside yourself for answers, for acceptance, for love, for meaning. Look within instead. How? This is a start: Take 5 minutes today to sit quietly. It is in the spaces between moments, between noises, between actions, that we can look within, when we can still ourselves long enough …
your daily rock : simple wisdom
When life feels too complicated. When life feels too hard. When life feels too tightly wound. Just remember that life is usually far, far more simple than we believe it to be. There is a wisdom in us that we discount because we believe, and are taught to believe, that …
a blessing for the new year
A Blessing for the New Year by John O’Donohue from ‘To Bless the Space Between Us” On the day when The weight deadens On your shoulders And you stumble, May the clay dance To balance you. And when your eyes Freeze behind The gray window And the ghost …
your daily rock : embrace what is
Goodness, it’s a whole new year. Funny how that happens, that change of one page of the calendar and we feel that life begins again. It’s beautiful, that. And yet, every single day, we turn that calendar page. So we can start anew any time. Today, embrace what is. That …
my 2013 book stack
The end of the year is, for many, a time to calculate, assess, and number. In that spirit, I give you just a few of the best books I read in 2013 in no particular order. Imagine, if you will, tiny thumbnails of the book covers beside each book title, …
your daily rock : quiet your mind
2013 is ending tonight at midnight. To honor what it was and to open space for what will be, sit quietly today for 10 minutes (or longer). Quiet your mind. Rest those skittering thoughts and worries. Let them float across your field of vision and disappear like puffy clouds. They’ll …
your daily rock : let loose
We are often constrained, or feel that we are. What might happen if we let loose? If we danced on the beach or said WOW when we saw a bus? I’ve been listening and watching Pharrell Williams’ 24-hour music video: 24 Hours of Happy. Have you seen it? Watch it …
sunday sounds: perspective.
It has been said that perspective is worth 80 IQ points. I urge you to watch this for a new perspective as we enter a new year.
your daily rock : embrace it
What we resist becomes stronger, bigger, more fierce. The waves crash more, the space taken up in our hearts and minds by what we are resisting gets more and more crowded and paralyzing. What we fight against becomes our Kryptonite. What if we stop fighting? What if looking for things …