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your daily rock : detach from being right.

Would you rather be happy or be right? I’m choosing happy. Is it the situation you’re in that is making you angry or upset, or is it your attachment to being right in that situation that is doing the most harm? When you can give up the need to be …

your daily rock : get moving!!

Move it or lose it. That is all. Love,     (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.

your daily rock : refine

  Refine: “to remove impurities or unwanted elements from.” What can you refine today? Love,     (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.

your daily rock : you are amazing!

Today, set your alarm to ring on the hour every hour. When you hear the alarm, regardless of circumstance, say (to yourself aloud, if possible, or silently if not), “I am amazing!”  Sometimes you just need a wee reminder of how amazing you are. Love,     (These beautifully painted …

simple saturday.

(photo from here) Backstory: In the last quarter of 2013, we got rid of half of what we owned, moved to a smaller house, and are focusing on simplicity. Each Saturday, I will document some of the ongoing changes we are making to simplify, step off the consumerism wheel, and open …

your daily rock : bloom where you are planted

Feel like you’re in the wrong job? Bloom there anyway. Certain you’re supposed to live somewhere else? Bloom where you are anyway. Bloom where you are planted right now. (And remember: you can only bloom if you nurture yourself. Find your sun, your roots, your sustenance, where you are.) Love, …

your daily rock : revel in not knowing

Not knowing can be a source of great anxiety for some, for many. But not knowing is the only place where learning can happen. I have to “not know” in order to truly learn. Learning isn’t recitation of what we know; it is discovery of what we don’t know. Train …

your daily rock : take a new path

“Mindfulness” sounds so big, so intimidating. But it can be achieved in simple ways. Today, take a new path to the grocery store, to work, to drop the kids off at school. Just drive there in a way outside your normal path. You will be able to see again. Take …

your daily rock : show up for others today

Sometimes, most times, pretty much all the time, we just need to show up. Love,     (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.

launching my new book tonight! win a copy!

One of my favorite spaces in which to read is The Georgia Center for the Book at the Decatur Public Library in Decatur, Georgia. So I am thrilled that I will launch my new book, The Geography of Loss, there tonight. (7:15pm) Here is what one reader is saying about The …