your daily rock : create a moment of glee
Such a great word, glee: “great delight.” Don’t wait for a moment of glee today–it might not come. Create one! Maybe it is dancing to Michael Jackson tunes. Maybe it is making a wish at a fountain. Maybe it is creating Valentine’s Cards. Go for glee. Love, (These …
your daily rock : I keep you in my heart.
Years ago when Tess was just tiny and I would leave on business trips, we would say this to each other as I left: “I keep you in my heart.” We still do that. Try it. It’s luscious. And you can feel it in your heart when you say it. …
your daily rock : read the signs.
Have you ever traveled to a foreign country where you didn’t know the language and couldn’t read the signs? When that happens, many of us become smaller; we retreat. We sometimes hesitate to the point of paralysis. What signs do you need to read, but can’t? What we might need …
your daily rock : make many mistakes
Once I was at a stream with Tess on a beautiful day. As we got near the water, I wondered if we could get to the big rock in the sun in the middle of the stream. As I pondered and rolled up my pants and wondered which small rocks …
your daily rock : be passionate
“The man who is born with a talent which he is meant to use finds his greatest happiness in using it.” –Goethe Find your saxophone. Then play it with all your heart. Love, (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.
on one side of the glass.
I didn’t go out looking for negative characters; I went out looking for people who have a struggle and a fight to tackle. That’s what interests me. -Philip Seymour Hoffman A brilliant actor and fully human man died yesterday morning in his Manhattan Apartment. Such brilliance, gone too soon. And …
your daily rock : start seeing more
We don’t really see what we are looking at. We assign a value, a name, a “brand,” a representation of an idea to what we are looking at, an interpretation of it–but do we see it? We don’t. We see our idea of it. The part that has been …
your daily rock : follow the thread
When I was in graduate school, I loved wandering in the stacks in the library, finding a book that interested me, usually unconnected to my classwork, and then following that thread to another book and another and another, a whole lineage of curiosity unwinding in those long rows of books. …
your daily rock : drop everything and help
I went to see poet Andrea Gibson perform in Asheville on Thursday night of this week. As always, she was amazing. I left around 9:45pm after the show to head home. My car was up a hill from the Emerald Lounge where the event was held, and it was cold. …
your daily rock : focus your attention
It is easy to be here, and not here. It is easy to continue typing while someone sitting in the room with us is talking to us. It is easy to be listening to a poet read deeply moving poetry aloud and be texting at the same time. But none …