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a weekend of amazement

Once a year, Camp happens. A camp for adults. Focused on courage, creativity, and community. Because those three things are intertwined and also because those three things are vital. Do you want or need to access your courage in a new or bigger way? Do you want or need to …

mother’s day is hard for me.

To be honest, Mother’s Day is tough for me. I talked to my mom yesterday when she called, and again today. It is a weekend that weighs heavy on us, even as much as we celebrate our own mothers, and our own children who made us mothers. “We took him …

thinking thursday

MIND Why has the U.S. media ignored the abduction of 200+ girls? And why are they now paying attention? More reading of importance on this topic: #BringBackOurGirls and Nigeria’s Stolen Girls. Please pick one–let us humanize this tragedy. Here’s a list of books that author Junot Diaz wants you to read. Is it wrong that …

this is not goodbye

Sometimes when people die, we feel we are saying goodbye to them. But, in truth, we are not. We are wholeheartedly saying hello to those intangible parts of them that have embedded themselves in us, like splinters–sometimes painful, yes, but far more beautiful. My friend, Gwyn Michael, died recently. Gwyn was …

lines and space

thinking thursday.

Every Thursday, a journey into what I’m finding and reading and thinking about. Like being in a library and following threads that lead who knows where. A book falls from the shelf near us, having been placed back hurriedly by a passing reader, and it falls in our way. We …

your daily rock : give freely

My friend Amy McCracken wrote beautifully about this recently on our blog, 3x3x365. (Scroll to the “Richmond, VA entry). Approach the world with openness. Love,     (These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.

your daily rock : say “I,” not “they”

“They really should do something about that.” “I hope they can solve this problem.” “They’re not even paying attention to this issue!” Change won’t happen unless we change that “they” to “I.” Watch how many times you start to say “they” today. Change it to “I.” Love,     (These …

your daily rock : let yourself yearn.

Our lives, when we add them all up at the end, are the sum of our deepest yearnings meeting the challenges we call obstacles. We want our lives to have more meaning, and we feel that doing laundry gets in the way. We want to love and be loved, and …


Dear friends, I haven’t written here recently, for several reasons. 1) I was finishing my newest book, The Geography of Loss, now available online and in brick-and-mortar bookstores. 2) For the past few months, I have been in a period of great, quiet, deep discernment. Refinding the path, clearing the …