live a story of wholeness
She came into the world quickly. And loudly. She was a screamer from the beginning. Even our neighbors commented on the decibel level. Everything set her off—invisible things, hunger, crowds, things we could not know. We worried when she got old enough to scream, “Help me, help me,” that people …
i have a dream too.
Martin Luther King, Jr., had a dream, a dream worth pausing to remember on this glorious afternoon amidst the pomp and the circumstance. I have found as I’ve made my way into adulthood in this life of mine, that I share his dream. And I have dreams of my …
strong offer friday
What has taken the place of your work has become your work. So if worrying about what people are saying about your work takes up most of your time, then that has become your work. If making excuses for why you don’t have time to write occupies your days, then …
thinking thursday
mind “What I like about this study is how it assumes that love is an action.” In such a way, love is a verb. I love the list of questions. For several years, I’ve had this crazy idea of hosting a community dinner, inviting a whole town to the convention …
Camp News!
Speaking Opportunities Today at midnight (Eastern) is the deadline to submit a session/speaking proposal for Life is a Verb Camp 2015. I hope you’ll make a strong offer and share your brilliance! Scholarship Program Our Camp Scholarship application process will open later today as well. If you are interested to …
poetry wednesday : a few words on the soul
A few words on the soul by Wislawa Szymborska We have a soul at times. No one’s got it non-stop, for keeps. Day after day, year after year may pass without it. Sometimes it will settle for awhile only in childhood’s fears and raptures. Sometimes only in astonishment that we are …
book stack tuesday : does this spark joy?
We moved into our new old house 15 months ago. What preceded that move was The Great Shedding of Many Things that I do not miss at all. A set of grandma’s china. A tea set I lugged back on the plane from Austria at age 19. Carvings, jewelry, scarves, …
trust yourself
Betrayal. It feels hot and cold simultaneously. It is complex. It is infuriating. It feels numbing. Shocking. It is a loss of such great magnitude—trust lost, thrown away, trampled. It engenders such feelings of sadness. What does it mean to feel betrayed? What kind of loss is that? What does …
strong offer friday
do you know your optimal work equation? Over the years, I have determined a healthy balance of work projects for myself, in thirds. When I did more corporate consulting, the balance was 1/3 consulting, 1/3 writing, 1/3 speaking. If I veered too much from that equation, I felt off kilter. …
thinking thursday
mind What is the cost of loneliness? “Social isolation is as potent a cause of early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day; loneliness, research suggests, is twice as deadly as obesity. Dementia, high blood pressure, alcoholism and accidents – all these, like depression, paranoia, anxiety and suicide, become more prevalent when connections are …