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strong offer friday

When I left my job and opened my own business 19 years ago, I started by taking almost all the consulting gigs that came my way because I was AMAZED at how much money I could make as a corporate consultant. I had quit my job to stay home with …

thinking thursday

mind Having watched money and connections land many a book on the best-selling lists, I find this to raise an interesting point about the dangers of pretending privilege doesn’t exist.   “Because in this world where women will sit around discussing the various topiary shapes of their bikini waxes, the conversation …

poetry wednesday : cusp

Cusp by Erin Coughlin Hollowell Puzzle of bones, try to take time out of a watch, stop sundown. It’s all the same weave, all warm from the compost, erasing the written page to blankness. In the morning, the shadow of a hawk split the yard. Inside your ear, mother’s voice— …

book stack tuesday : the art of asking

My head nodded in recognition throughout this book. So far, I’ve read it twice. There is more to say, but I’ll start here: I’ve had some experience with asking*, which taught me a lot about generosity, and giving, and community, and vulnerability, and expectation, and judgment. So I was interested …

balance your power

I was in my early 20s, in graduate school studying literature (mainly American) and art history (mainly the figure of the artist in fiction). There’s a huge employment market for people who have studied the figure of the artist in fiction, of course. My thesis was entitled “The Solids of …

about strong offers

I am pleased to be part of the Storytellers Summit, which has been taking place this week featuring amazing folks talking about story, in all its forms. Today (Saturday, Jan 24th), I’ll be at the Summit talking about making strong offers. I hope you’ll join in for this final day …

strong offer friday

I think it is important to make strong offers that are not attached either to people responding well or poorly to them. It’s just as easy to be swayed by positive response as it is by negative. Either one may take you off your strongest intention by influencing your next …

thinking thursday

mind I love a good documentary. Let’s all watch these and then talk about them. And then we can watch these and talk about them. You might find this Aspie quiz of interest. Ram Dass on navigating the mind fields: “When I started to dive deeper into my being, I …

poetry wednesday : what came to me

What Came to Me by Jane Kenyon, 1947 – 1995 I took the last dusty piece of china out of the barrel. It was your gravy boat, with a hard, brown drop of gravy still on the porcelain lip. I grieved for you then as I never had before.

book stack tuesday : nerdy, shy, and socially inappropriate

One day as I sat in Malaprop’s bookshop in downtown Asheville, NC, I saw a man fall into the street and hit his head on the curb. I ran out to see if I could help, surprised at the people looking at him but not moving to help him. As …