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thinking thursday

mind Oh, if you love design, and you love Apple products, you will love this on the shape of things to come: “Jobs’s taste for merciless criticism was notorious; Ive recalled that, years ago, after seeing colleagues crushed, he protested. Jobs replied, ‘Why would you be vague?,’ arguing that ambiguity was a …

thinking thursday

mind “Because as soon as we liberated ourselves from a concept of what our son’s education should look like, we were able to observe how he learned best. And what we saw was that the moment we stopped compelling Fin to sit and draw or paint or write was the …

I am not raising a badass Marine

I want to share something in this safe space, with one request – that in any discussion we have about this, we not denigrate the person who sent me these messages. Obviously this is a lot more about her than about me. I am sharing it because I believe many …

tuesday book stack : free to learn

The importance of play—crucial for children’s healthy psychological development and ability to thrive in life—is woefully underestimated by parents and educators, according to Peter Gray, a Boston College developmental psychologist and author of Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better …

poetry wednesday : she’s not gone

Neither is the poet gone, though he died last week on Valentine’s Day. “You met a lot of unpretentious people in Philip Levine’s spare, ironic poems,” Dwight Garner wrote in the New York Times on Sunday. “Come as you are, this important and emotionally committed poet told us.” She’s Not Gone Philip Levine Someone enters …

strong offer friday

“We re-engineer the behavioral and developmental gaps that are prevalent among youth in public housing.  We use bicycles, hard training, and tough love to accomplish this monumental task.  From top to bottom, we operate in a different way, with a different approach, in a unique style.  It’s hard to articulate …

thinking thursday

mind What “Nightly News” and “The Daily Show” should do next. Hint: it involves women: “There are so many reasons why the next host of ‘The Daily Show’ and ‘Nightly News’ should be a woman. But needing any reason at all is part of the problem. We never seem to …

poetry wednesday : blackberrying

on the 52nd anniversary of her death, a poem by Sylvia Plath Blackberrying BY SYLVIA PLATH Nobody in the lane, and nothing, nothing but blackberries, Blackberries on either side, though on the right mainly, A blackberry alley, going down in hooks, and a sea Somewhere at the end of it, heaving. …

book stack tuesday : the recovering body

“It is often said that exercise is medicine, but a more correct statement is that insufficient regular exercise is abnormal and pathological.” -Daniel E. Lieberman, professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University I received this book in the mail, a gift from the author. At first, I set it …

be responsible for your own well-being

I didn’t fully appreciate my red hair when I had it. There were too many downsides: nicknames like “Big Red” and “Carrot Top.” And the companion un-tannable skin splattered with freckles that became huge in the summer on some parts of my body, like my face and shoulders, but never …