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Thinking Thursday: ideas that will make you reconsider and rethink

Every Thursday, some links you might want to explore, things that have caught my attention, questions we might need to be asking ourselves. MIND This was totally me when I was a baby, and it is totally me now, too, when a good book comes to an end. Neuroscience finds rituals …

poetry wednesday : just a body whose heart’s still beating, a morsel.

Full Dark by Molly Fisk   Tonight, inside my body, the blood races through veins, passing in its circuit a piece of chicken wire. Calling it something homely gives me all the power over the stent I’m ever going to have: thus does woman return to Eden and name the …

Your life is the vision board. Better get a new glue stick.

Such anticipation! The stack of magazines is ready. My glue sticks are standing at attention. The making of the vision board is about to begin. What’s this I see on the top shelf of the closet? 2012’s vision board? I’m still not that thin, well nourished, rested, empowered, abundant. My house …

When you break open, it happens by surprise

This is what broke me open. The heart attack didn’t do it. The complications from the heart cath and stent of a 90% blocked major artery didn’t do it. A hole in my femoral artery didn’t do it. My disbelief and anger at being told it was all in my …

poetry wednesday: you know that otherwise is coming.

From my hospital bed to you, an old favorite by poet Jane Kenyon: Otherwise I got out of bed on two strong legs. It might have been otherwise. I ate cereal, sweet milk, ripe, flawless peach. It might have been otherwise. I took the dog uphill to the birch wood. All …

No, you are not an hysterical female, and this is not just anxiety.

You could die if you don’t advocate for your own healthcare. Even if you’re being called “mental.” As if there’s anything wrong with being “mental” anyway.

poetry wednesday: the truth about words in a certain order

Anybody Can Write a Poem -Bradley Paul I am arguing with an idiot online. He says anybody can write a poem. I say some people are afraid to speak. I say some people are ashamed to speak. If they said the pronoun “I” they would find themselves floating in the …

What I learn on the orange couch: how to create boundaries for the first time

His shoes are almost always brown. Sometimes, like last week, his socks match his bright green jacket, which I think is worn on days with rain. But I can’t be sure; my evidence is sketchy, inconsistent, and random. I sit across from him, on a nubby burnt orange sofa that feels …

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Strong Offer Friday: how to work and learn with me now

I explore ideas, alone and in community. I open space for learning communities to form and flourish. I challenge myself to create safe spaces where learning can deepen. I write, I teach, I create retreats, and offer them to the world. On Strong Offer Fridays, I’ll highlight what’s coming up …