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poetry wednesday : what is the strength of your legendary muscle, that organ of attachment?

  This is a poem to read aloud. The Hearts   by Robert Pinsky   The legendary muscle that wants and grieves, The organ of attachment, the pump of thrills And troubles, clinging in stubborn colonies   Like pulpy shore-life battened on a jetty. Slashed by the little deaths of …

happy birthday to the real johnny.

I know I joke a lot about Johnny Depp. And I write about Johnny Unitas a lot. And Johnny Appleseed. And Johnny Cash. But the fact is that there is only one Johnny. My Johnny, Mr Brilliant, the father of our two amazing girls. And today is his birthday. (And …

You are a bird. Your wings are compassion and wisdom.

  I was naked under the sheet, warmed by the heater at the end of the table. The sheets in other places like hotels, and even here, always seem nicer, thicker, more in charge of themselves, than my sheets. It’s almost as if other sheets know something that mine just …

sunday sounds : changing the world by changing me.

C.W.C.M EP by Jonathan Santos I met Santos last Fall at a meeting in Asheville where he riffed on his guitar and sang a most beautiful song. Listen, listen.

Strong Offer Friday: throwing ideas up in the air like pizza dough, and watching them twirl

As I recover and reprioritize and reclaim and rediscover and reorient, I am making strong offers into the world, and I invite you to participate in any that align with your own path: 1. The Art of Activism: Hard Conversations – Intro to Racism (Starts March 8) Over 3000 people have …

thinking thursday : force your brain to continually restructure, rewire and build new connections

What I am thinking about and finding on the web this week. MIND Having suffered a severe concussion in November, with MRIs, CAT scans, and more tests revealing things about my brain I never knew (and some of which were alarming), you might find more information here in the coming …

poetry wednesday: sometimes I don’t know what our hearts are

Sometimes I don’t know what our hearts are by Jena Schwartz Lying naked on my chest, clean and smooth after a bath, the sky a dusky cornflower blue. “What’s in here?” Pearl asked, tapping on my breast bone. “That’s my heart,” I told her. “You can hear it beating.” She …

Sven takes me to this bridge in every season : where’s your bridge?

It came from Sweden. An 11-second video in an email from someone I did not know, and have never met even still, these eight years later. At first, I was struck by the sounds of the music, from the French film, “Les Choristes,” and the journey across a beautiful bridge. …

sunday sounds : a love song to nature

Someone posted this in a comment on my Facebook wall this week, and I cannot get it out of my head, so I am sharing the addiction with you. It is a love song, with much of the love directed at nature. Every Sunday, you’ll find a Sunday Sound here …

strong offer Friday : transform terror into commitment, and entitlement into hope

I asked my friend, Laurie Foley, to speak on the topic, “The Courage to Be Mortal,” at the first Camp I hosted, in September 2013, thirteen months after she had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It just so happened–as I learned during her speech–that she was diagnosed on the evening …