Favorites for the Morning
Every once in a while I write about some of my favorite things (or favoUrite things, since I’m an honorary Canadian). Just because they are my favorites. No affiliate links, no sales pitch, just sharing in the hopes some of what I share might be helpful to you, too. What …

Ten Things You (Might Not) Know About Patti
10. Patti has traveled to over sixty countries. Her favorite places? Split, Dubrovnik, Istanbul, Kyoto, Munich, Odessa, Cadiz, and Kandy, Sri Lanka. 9. When she was 16, Patti lived in Sri Lanka as an exchange student. When she flew there, it was her first time on a plane. 8. Patti …
37 years ago today
Daddy was a barber. He opened “Modern Barber Shop” in our North Carolina town, and my childhood was spent there; days after school were for sweeping hair and playing school by myself in the cozy, dark little vestibule at the back of the shop. I didn’t know it at the …
Know the point of your life
“Sheridan’s gifts as a teacher were as rare as the purity of his passion. Wherein did these gifts lie? In his brilliance? Yes. In his mastery of his subject? Of course. In his capacity for lucid, concrete, and vivid explanation? Again, yes. But there is another factor, one whose roots …
Let the poemapalooza begin!
April is National Poetry Month. I know, I know. You don’t do poetry. You lost the urge for it when your English teacher made you beat it senseless. Come back to the word that captures a world. Each April I feature a poem every day on 37days. It is my …
A life reboot, writ large.
Rebooting my life. from Patti Digh on Vimeo. I had a heart attack in January 2016. A significant one. The artery they call the “widow-maker” was 90% blocked. I’m very lucky to be here, especially given my doctor’s response to my complaints of chest pain the day before I landed …
Mourning a loss.
One year ago today my friend, Laurie Foley, died. She and I were in touch daily, often many times a day, and the void is enormous. I long to call and find out her take on what’s happening in the world, and ask her advice. I long to hear her …
Life is a Verb Camp is now open for registration!
Life is a Verb Camp is a place to relax into who you really are. “Come as you are” is our unofficial motto. We gather from around the world once a year to build community, create, learn, and share. If you’d like to learn more about Life is a Verb …
happy birthday, 37days!
Today, I am quietly celebrating the 12th anniversary of beginning this blog. Starting this blog saved my life, changed my life, changed my relationship with words and with myself. It opened up space for me to dive into language in a way the business books I had previously written did …
happy birthday, daddy.
As always on Christmas Day, a remembrancer of my father whose birthday is Christmas. He would have been 90 today. Happy birthday, Daddy. Monogram your pancakes “Surviving a loss and letting go is only half of the story. The other half is the secret belief that we will find, in one …