sunday sounds – tracy chapman and luciano pavoratti
If I could sing like anyone, I’d sing like Tracy Chapman. Here’s her voice with that of Pavoratti, a study in contrasts – and, at the end – of sweet, simple harmony.

On the first anniversary of his death, a poem by Derek Walcott
LOVE AFTER LOVE The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other’s welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. …

Favorite Friday: What I Write With and On
Every week on Friday, some things I love. No affiliate links, just things I love because I love them and want to share the love so you might love them too. Lots of love. Love all around, no commerce. This week? Pens and pencils and what I write on. Good lord, …

thinking thursday
Things I have found on the interweb machine that you might find interesting, along with seven questions they prompted: How can we be better allies to transgender people? What does depression feel like? What is the difference between alone and lonely? What is it like to work in the sky? …
poetry wednesday: the river of girls
The River of Girls by Tishani Doshi i.m. India’s missing girls This is not really myth or secret. This murmur in the …

thinking thursday
Every Thursday, 7 questions to think about: If we all contain multitudes, what is our responsibility to other humans? What are the intersections between social justice and spirituality? What exactly is critical race theory? What are twenty ways to organize your life now? Why don’t we have more Improvised Empathetic Devices? …

poetry wednesday: invisible dreams
Toi Derricotte is a national treasure. Both as a poet and as a human being. Co-founder of Cave Canem, she has also influenced, supported, and mentored countless other Black poets, leading to a special award from the National Book Award for that work in handing one another along. Invisible Dreams …

sunday sounds
You can do this hard thing. If I try to jump in and help you, I’m suggesting you can’t and I’m taking away your own agency. You can do this hard thing. I’m so excited that Carrie Newcomer will join us for Life is a Verb Camp this November. I …

The Courage to be Mortal
On my birthday in 2012, my friend Laurie Foley was diagnosed with ovarian cancer; every year as I grew older, I was reminded of the day that changed her life forever. She died two years ago today. I am not sure how I’ve managed in these past two years because she …

poetry wednesday
Poetry Wednesday is back! You might not love poetry, or feel you can’t understand it, and that’s okay. Just luxuriate in the words that help us see the world in a new way. Write them down, copy the poems, read or sing them aloud. Dive in. Don’t worry about meaning …