Does all this stuff make you happy?
The August issue of Skirt! magazine features an essay from 37days – "Let go of your legal pad" – perhaps you will enjoy it. Perhaps it will prompt you to finally get rid of that dress you bought in 1976 for that magical moment when you lost that last 10 pounds. The one with the tags still on it?Perhaps it will cause you to ask whether your Stuff is helping or hindering you. Maybe it will help you disencumber.
What’s interesting about many of the essays people are submitting about their last 37 days is their focus on cleaning up, clearing out, making sure the house looks good for the funeral. Our Stuff is killing us. Let’s do something about that, shall we? Why spend those last 37 days worrying about Aunt Gertrude coming in and finding all your mess after the funeral? Wouldn’t you rather be eating ding-dongs?
Here’s your challenge: 10 minutes a day for the next 37 days. Clear out Stuff for 10 minutes a day just for 37 days. It’ll make a difference. Set a timer. Go.
(Um, no, Mama. That’s NOT a photo of my desk. Could it be? I’m not sayin.’)