Consider this : don’t talk with your mouth full of food. people notice.
Learn how to balance your checking account.
A debit or credit card doesn’t mean you have unlimited funds available to you.
Know that you will most likely appreciate something all the more if you save for it and pay cash.
Understand that there are a whole lot of things in life that will just really annoy you, but that when you step back and look at the situation, you realize that most of it is just not worth getting worked up over.
As much as it hurts, sometimes breaking up with someone is good for your soul. It makes you realize what you really value in relationships and opens you up to find the right person to spend the rest of your life with.
Know that Mom will always be a phone call away…no matter your age
When you hug someone GIVE them a hug, don’t TAKE a hug. It makes a big difference.
Notice the way the morning dew catches light. It can change your outlook on your whole day.
Don’t talk with your mouth full of food. People notice.
Embrace passion. It will change the look on your face and others will notice the joy! And know that it’s contagious!
Express gratitude before your feet touch the floor each day.
I am gathering wisdom from the far corners of the earth to give my older daughter, Emma, as she graduates from high school. What would you say to her? Or to your own 17-year-old self? What thoughts would you ask her to consider? You can submit your advice (instructions here) and 37 of those will be posted over the next 37 days, one each day, culminating in a free e-book of all the submissions (whether posted during these 37 days or not) after her graduation on June 14th…. and possibly in a print book as well.