love is a place and yes is a world.
April is National Poetry Month, a celebration of words (and the images they create) that I always mark here on 37days with a poem each day during the month.
Poetry helps us pause, to see, to equate. Poetry helps us breathe space into our day. Pause with me every morning in April to dip into metaphor and luscious observation and startling juxtapositions, even if you aren't a "poetry person." Make poetry your meditation this month; read these lines aloud each morning and each evening. Send them to a friend. Don't even feel you need to make meaning of these words, just enjoy the sounds. Yes. A month of poems. A lifetime of words.
Let's start with e.e. cummings, with thanks to Jewels Aponte who pointed me to this:
love is a place
& through this place of
love move
(with brightness of peace)
all places
yes is a world
& in this world of
yes live
(skilfully curled)
all worlds
-e.e. cummings