fifty-one two-fer.
Today is my 51st birthday. 1) How on earth did that happen?; and 2) I'm grateful that it did.
To celebrate, I wanted to offer my new Life is a Verb audio book at a 51% discount for orders received on August 16th. But I couldn't figure out how to do that in my online store and it got really complicated and math-like and I started wondering what Johnny Depp would do in that situation and then I started having hot flashes just thinking about Mr Depp and then I needed a chocolate lava cake just to get over that (which I didn't get and didn't eat because I started Weight Watchers AGAIN and chocolate lava cake would be so many points my head would explode).
So, for the 24 hours that is this day – midnight to midnight Eastern on August 16, 2010 – you can buy one copy of my 5-CD audio book of Life is a Verb and I'll send you two instead, one to keep and listen to on the 405 as you circle Los Angeles and one to give to your Aunt Nicey who always knits you orange scarves for your birthday out of yarn that's just a wee bit too scratchy. She needs some good stories to settle her nerves.
Happy birthday, intrepid listener. You can order from here. May we all enjoy the hell out of our next trip around the sun.