Consider this : right now is always the best moment of your life.
My kids sometimes ask, “Mommy, what was your favorite age?” I answer truthfully, “The age I am.”
Or, they ask, “What was the best time you ever had?” I explain (in simpler words – my kids are young), “I’ve had amazingly memorable times, such as each of your births. But, the best time is right now because this moment is built upon all of those times plus endless possibilities, and I am creating it.”
Right now is always the best moment of your life.
Learn from and laugh about the past, build and dream for the future, but live now. Be fully in the present. Extract every bit of nowness surrounding you and absorb it into your cells. With every experience, every thought, and every feeling, more of who you are emerges.
You are doing something, thinking something, feeling something right now – good, bad, cheesy, brilliant, joyful, painful, dull, thrilling, or a million other possibilities. And, it is wonderful. You will never have a moment exactly like this one again. That’s wonderful, too.
Being in the now makes it easier to handle anything, regret nothing, and love life and everyone and everything in it in all its wonderful, endearing imperfection. Nothing is overwhelming, insurmountable, or unforgivable when it is considered in moment-sized parcels. Conversely, the tsunami of joy that can surge through your soul in a single moment defies reason. It’s a beautifully imbalanced equation.
Right now is always the best moment of your life.
Warm wishes to you, Emma, as you live your personal adventure, one glorious moment at a time.
-Michelle Drabik
Mommy, information pro, library manager, scientist, writer, technophile, rocker, artist, people watcher, mentor, optimist, wine & food lover (but not a cook)
I am gathering wisdom from the far corners of the earth to give my older daughter, Emma, as she graduates from high school. What would you say to her? Or to your own 17-year-old self? What thoughts would you ask her to consider? You can submit your advice (instructions here) and 37 of those will be posted over the next 37 days, one each day, culminating in a free e-book of all the submissions after her graduation on June 14th.