thinking thursday.
Welcome to Thinking Thursday. Every Thursday, some links tracing my tracks across the web and a gratuitous link (or twelve) to Johnny Depp thrown in.
And because my business partner David Robinson and I have recently decided to refocus our attention primarily on K-12 and teacher education over the next few years, I've added a category that will gather what I'm reading about education and learning–you'll see it below.
mind :: my brain and yours
publish or perish? the iPad, the Kindle, and the future of publishing.
learning :: my education and yours
what makes Finnish kids so smart? and why Finnish schools excel.
body :: my place and yours
Puma's "Clever Little Bag" slashes sneaker packaging. (Thanks to Laura Thomas)
A forgotten glass ceiling: A clean drink of water. (Thanks to Jamie Thompson)
His coffee cup lives on. (Thanks to Andrew Peterson)
Divine furniture against the grain.
soul :: my heart and yours
So he didn't thwart a mugging, but I'm sure he would have if one presented itself to him.
I, too, quite enjoy lavender.
What happens when you find the one, who's nothing like you expected? (Thanks to Kaje Housman)
A final thought :: It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it. -Jacob Bronowski