thinking thursday.
Here I am, channeling Madonna as I provided the opening keynote at the recent American Counseling Association annual conference
mind :: my brain and yours
I love, LOVE the map of Europe. Experimental Cartography : The Map as Art.
Texts without context. A fascinating read: “The Cult of the Amateur,” by Andrew Keen, argues that Web 2.0 is creating a “digital forest of mediocrity” and substituting ill-informed speculation for genuine expertise; and Nicholas Carr’s book “The Shallows” (coming in June), suggests that increased Internet use is rewiring our brains, impairing our ability to think deeply and creatively even as it improves our ability to multitask." "Growing numbers…are happy to jump to the summary…never mind if context [is] lost in the process."Having long been interested in translation (differing translations of Rilke poems come to mind, some delightful and evocative, some tragic butcherings) and particularly having been interested in translations of Garcia Marquez, this article was of great interest to me.
Doctors turn to Tolstoy.
body :: my place and yours
I wrote him an email and said "I want you to teach me to trapeze." He wrote back (HE WROTE BACK) and said, "I'd love to. Call me." Squeeeee!
Odd man in. Sigh. (Thanks to Becky Jackson) And odd man in Japan. Sigh.I want, (NEED) to go see him conduct the Los Angeles Philharmonic in Nashville.
This new park is fantastic: "Upon completion, Morgan's Wonderland will be the largest park in the world specifically designed for the recreation & enjoyment of special needs individuals." Opening in a few weeks. (Thanks to Marilyn Maciel)
soul :: my heart and yours
FanTAStic. How to get your camera back if you ever lose it. (Thanks to Dan Pink)
Enjoying this online arts journal.
A final thought :: We live in a world in which politics has replaced philosophy. ~Martin L. Gross
Please note: A space has opened up in my upcoming Life is a Verb retreat (April 15-18 in Asheville, NC) because of a cancellation due to illness. I would love to have you there!