thinking thursday.
This gorgeous painting, "Poet," is by my friend and business partner, David Robinson. David's solo show, "Recognitions," opens tonight – April 1st – at the Rock/DeMent Visual Arts Space in Seattle, with a reception from 6-9pm. I hope you'll go if you're in the Seattle area.mind :: my brain and yours
Horses remember human friends, even after long separations.
White fear. A rage far beyond health care.
Textbook cases. School book content should not be left to interest groups.
How the health care overhaul could affect you. (Thanks to Mark Bledsoe)
body :: my place and yours
Good news, for a change. A story of generosity. (Thanks to Beth Kujawski)
Concern about racism and social networking grows.
Let's hear it for compassionate couture.
I am an art history nerd. I admit it. Loved this video. (Thanks to David Robinson via David A. Miller)
soul :: my heart and yours
I just need you to read this. All of it. No wonder I loved Katie the moment I met her.
I have a feeling I might be seeing a lot of this band over the next four years. (Congratulations to Emma for choosing from five fantastic colleges).
An idea so simple you wouldn't think it would work. But it does. Beautifully. (Thanks to Kathryn Ruth Schuth)
A final thought :: "Do ordinary things with extraordinary love." -Mother Teresa
Please note: A space has opened up in my upcoming Life is a Verb retreat (April 15-18 in Asheville, NC) because of a cancellation due to illness. I would love to have you there!