poetry wednesday : if i were brave enough

Sunlight Alliance

“You have to make an alliance with your anguish,” he said,
“not wage war against it.” And I thought of all the fists
I had shaken at misfortune: games lost
because the shot clock ran out,
a good meal scorched in a forgotten oven,
money dropped on a dress worn only once,
the bully in 6th grade, the math test in 9th,
the wrong outfit at Halloween.
But of course, this isn’t what he meant.

If I were brave enough, I’d tell you how my heart
has raged for love, stretched thin as a high wire.
If I were brave enough, I’d tell you
how my body has been fighting to stay upright
on every precipitous downhill the city
throws at it. If I were brave enough,
I’d climb into your lap and weep with longing.
All I can say is that any attempt at beauty and hope
is land-mined with failure.
And so the perilous track-making begins.
Wending our way through,
there are possible clutches at sunlight, at windows, at yes.
We are each of us inches from death.
We are each of us inches from life.
We are each of us inches from one another.

Maya Stein

My thanks to Rick Hamrick for sharing this with me.

[image from here]

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

3 comments to " poetry wednesday : if i were brave enough "
  • amy s

    Very nice, thank you for posting..

  • I like those last 3 lines, so true, so true. Just wanted to tell you on the last roadtrip I made, I listened to Billy Collins on CD and just smiled and said uh huh to myself alot. I have passed the CD on to a friend who loves to read but says she doesn’t like poetry, lol…til Billy, right?

    I also just bought your book. I was going to get it from you but wasn’t sure if you were on the road and if I would get it in time for my trip to Oregon to visit family for Christmas.

    I will be proud to be seen reading it and telling people what I know of you so far…

    I also bought another book of poetry I saw mentioned on another blog, A Small Steadying Sail of Love, by Nancy Gibbs Richard.

    I will have a zenful trip, because I will have these two books to take heart with…

  • If I were brave enough I’d climb into your lap and weep with longing… WOW JUST LOVE those lines. wow.

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