you are not broken. you don’t need to be fixed.

Hoppersun-empty-room "We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential." -Ellen Goodman

As the New Year draws near, many are creating lists of "resolutions," things we will do or do differently as January 1 arrives.

Some are simply focusing on one word to guide them in the New Year. 

Some are dying, realizing in an instant what had meaning, and what merely filled up time.

Some are contemplating renting a ginormous dumpster and filling it with all manner of clutter that fills their home, but that is purely a hypothetical example.

Some are reading lists of the "best of" for the decade of the aughts.

Some are remembering going down to the Washington Mall to watch the year 2000 arrive amid fireworks near the reflecting pool and wondering if Y2K would mean mid-air collisions of planes victim to the computer glitch that would end the world–and wondering how on earth that could have already been ten years ago.

Some are cooking black eyed peas for good luck and some chilling the champagne.

The only thing I can offer amidst the plethora of good advice that people are providing for the New Year is this: You are not broken. You don't need to be fixed.

You have great, unlimited potential. Look for that, not for what you are doing wrong. In this new year,  focus on what you can do, not what you can't. Look for potential, not flaws. Stop comparing yourself to anyone else. Sit inside your own skin, and know.

I don't know what I will accomplish in 2010. I don't know what plans I'll make or what places I'll visit or how many references I will make to Johnny Depp over the course of the new year.

But I do know that 2009 was a fantastic year for one reason only: I loved, and was loved. 

And that is my fullest, highest hope for 2010.

[painting by Edward Hopper]

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

24 comments to " you are not broken. you don’t need to be fixed. "
  • Beautiful, Patti. Thank you.
    [Also, my wager for the JD references? 897.]

  • Leigh

    beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes.

  • beautiful. and perfect…as love always is. Happy New Year to you, Mr. Brilliant, Emma and my guru, Tess. ;) xo

  • Laura

    Thank you. I needed this.

  • Thank you, Patti. These are the words I want to guide me through the new year.

    May 2010 be filled with blessings.


  • Julie Haas

    Thank you for shining a lovely light into a dark corner today, and may the good things you send out into the world come back to you hundredfold.

  • well said. i’m betting you will spend many moments in 2010 referencing JD. especially with “Alice in Wonderland” coming out. :) but many, many more moments inspiring us all to be better human beings! you rock! xo.

  • Wishing you a 2010 filled with love! thank you for sharing yourself with us, through your beautiful blog xoxox

  • Perfect! I’ll use the quote. Thanks so much for sharing your writing here.

  • esther louie

    THank you for this Patti – I sent this to my scholarship students – I wish for them the inspiration that I received from your posting. I’ll look forward to seeing you on the journey in 2010!

  • Your advice brought me to tears as well. It was exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you and may 2010 be simply wonderful for you and your family.

  • I opened my email and saw this subject line right on top — from my gut and heart, the tears fell. Thank you.

  • gwyn

    To love and be loved. What is truly most important. Thank you Patti Digh for helping me open up my heart and world. You are loved from PA!

  • Kim

    Beautiful, Patti – as always. And how lovely that you begin with an Ellen Goodman quote, since today she published her final editorial in the Boston Globe….

    To love and be loved — yes, indeed.

  • pam

    A friend sent you to me and I will send you to a friend…

    Thank you for reminding me to keep the connections moving.

    Many blessings from Santa Fe, NM

  • Patti—Do you ever get tired of people telling you how beautiful your words are? Or how you find others’ beautiful words and wrap them up and present them as a gift to us? Thank you for another BEAUTIFUL post. How is it possible for what appears to be a normal human body to house such a gigantic heart? Thanks for being you.

  • I always worry that I’m broken and that I’m not living up to whatever potential is locked inside of me somewhere. So you’re right: I need to look at my potential and not my flaws. To not be held back by my own perceived limitations. Beautiful words. Thank you.

  • My greatest day in 2009 was the day when I realized in one split second that if I was to die in the next minute, hour or day, it would be okay. It would be okay because the people I love know I love them. It would be okay because I know I am loved. It would be okay because I had touched someone’s heart that day and connected to them, and I had also witnessed the beauty and wonder of this life in some way, shape or form. While I have a lot more living to do, the knowledge that I could leave this Earth in peace because I was really present in my life in that moment was one of the sweetest moments of my life. It has made all the difference to the kind of hope that I bring with me now as I face the new decade, the new year, the new day and the new moment. I am here. You are here. Let’s live it, Writer-Lady, let’s live it well.
    Love to you and the happiest of New Years !

  • Karrie

    Love to you PD. I love these words and found them just now, at the perfect moment. The universe is abundant. Right now, I believe it down to my toes.
    I hope to see more of you in ’10 for sure. xxoo

  • Thank you, Patti…

  • Just when I decide to change my life, I keep finding good advice to help me along the way – such as this post of yours. Thank you.

  • […] post of all time comes from the always fabulous Patti Digh. You can see it for yourself here, but the headline says it […]

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