Today is Day the Third!
It only takes 72 hours for doubt to set in, usually. "I've picked the wrong challenge." "I don't think I can do this for 37 days." "This is too hard." "I don't have time." "But I'm traveling!" "The planets are in retrograde!" "I have a headache!"As Caren wrote: "I'm not feeling so excited. I think I've done this – telling myself, 'OK, just a few minutes every day… just this one thing every day' – so many times,and I never stick with it, that I'm doubting myself already! But – accountability. I did do art every day for 30 days last year! I think blogging about it will make a difference – I have an audience! And the definite end time is good, too. I don't have to do this forever, I don't have to think of it as some big thing I'm changing. I'm just taking one action every day for 37 days. Not forever. Which I guess is kinda the point, huh?"
It's okay. Doubt is good. It keeps us from getting our head all puffed up at how perfect we are.
Keep going. If you miss a day, stop with the perfectionism and jump back in.
As the contract said, "this contract is solely with myself and carries no rewards, penalties or punishments other than those associated with the reflection of the strength of my character." Does it mean you're a bad person if you break the contract? No, it means you've learned something about yourself. What have you learned?
There is no fail. There is only learning.
And, by the way, it IS the right challenge because it's the one you chose. Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
Some intrepid souls are blogging their 37 days journey: Carolynn, Jean, Caren, Evie E., Cynthia and Ellouise. Read along with them, leave them a comment, encourage them.
And if you're blogging your 37 day challenge, leave a comment below and I'll post on 37days.
Happy Day Number Three, doubts and all!