How I get things done and what I collect
Two women named Carrie and Danielle are looking at how to live an inspired life, be true to yourself, and make a difference in the world. I was delighted when they connected with me to say they’d been bumping into 37days out in the universe and wanted to explore what I was doing. And so, today on their site, you’ll find an interview with me about what kinds of things I collect, what books and CDs are my inspiration, how I get things done (or not!), and much more.They also asked me to participate in their Q&A section in which guests pose a question and readers answer. I’ll give you one guess as to the question I posed (that’s one guess too many) and invite you to read what folks have answered–adding your own answer to the collection if you’d like (I hope you will…). Four copies of Life is a Verb are being given away to folks who participate–by commenting, you’ll be entered to win one of them!
Danielle also reviewed Life is a Verb, so it’s a veritable Verb-a-palooza over at their place today. My thanks to them–and you’ll find much to love about what they are doing…
[Photo from my new favorite Etsy store, maker of my vegan jellyfish messenger bag]