your daily rock : no more excuses!
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of making excuses.
I know what I need to do in order to stop doing that – and one of those things is to be more realistic (and sane) about what I can take on. No, I can’t make 500 cookies in the shape of the United States for your bake sale. Saying “yes” to myself often looks a lot like saying “no” to other people–and that’s okay.
For me, the other part of not making excuses is to make strong offers, offers that at that moment in time are the strongest offers I can make. It’s too easy to put yourself into the world and then say, “it’s not my best work because the baby was up all night or the peonies died and I was in mourning.”
I learned this lesson in a big way with my older daughter one time. I just need to remember it.Stop yourself today when you feel an excuse coming on–it’s victim language, and you’re no victim to your circumstance.
(These beautifully painted rocks are created by Kim Mailhot, aka The Rock Fairy.