thinking thursday.
The undergirding factor is power. Please read this article about prejudice and racism. “Yet, the problem is not skin color, but systems that perpetrate evil against others and then justify that evil by blaming the victims. There is nothing wrong with the color black, brown or yellow. It is not skin color that forms the basis for discrimination, but the negative meaning given to the color of skin. ‘Color is neutral; it is the mind that gives it meaning.’”
The decline and fall of the book cover: “Most writers are given what’s called ‘consultation’ on their covers, which means that when they’re shown their cover designs they try not to cry right in front of their editors.”
“30 photographs that go beyond the norm – they encapsulate the mood, tone and values of yesteryear, a compelling account of the evolution of our values.”
Yum. Make mine without the bacon and with a vegan cream and milk substitute, please.
Just say no to bottled salad dressings.
Good lord, I love this: “Although it is unknown if the kids at the camp will eventually identify as gay or transgender—or even if the way gender and sexuality are defined throughout society will evolve—the camp allows the kids to look at themselves in a completely different way. ‘They get enough questioning in their daily lives, so it’s a great place for them to express themselves as they feel. … I feel we hear so many of the sad stories and how LGBT kids are disproportionately affected by bullying, depression, and suicide, and it hangs a heavy cloud over them and kind of dooms them from the beginning. I’m saying this is a new story. This is not a tragedy.'” To be a parent is to support your child even in times when you might not understand. Just look (photo above) at those supportive families.
Modern ruins of Detroit. “There is a haunting beauty to the decaying ruins of a post-industrial city such as Detroit, which has become the largest American city to file for bankruptcy.”SOUL
Trayvon Martin and I ain’t shit. “I’m in scenarios all the time in which primitive, exotic-looking me — six-foot-two, 300 pounds, uncivilized Afro, for starters — finds himself in places where people who look like me aren’t normally found. I mean, what can I do? I have to be somewhere on Earth, correct?”
I can’t remember an article title or idea I’ve enjoyed more. “‘I had my telescope in my car and Takeesha and Deja had seen neither. Sometimes people are disappointed, growing up seeing images from the space telescope. Not these two. They loved it.'” 40 work spaces of creative people. Which are you drawn to?WORD
“I can see the beauty of glass objects fully at the moment when they slip from my hand” ?Andrew Solomon, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression
(Photo by Lindsay Morris at “You are You” Camp)