strong offer friday : what is your need or desire?

Do you want to join an amazing community of people who are focused on courage, creativity, community, and compassion? If so, Life is a Verb Camp is for you. Four days of making things, learning from diverse voices, and more. Like Summer Camp for adults! This year, we’ll explore bookmaking, …

thinking thursday : a buffet of links beyond your usual fare

Mind Did you know that happiness is an arm of resilience? American society by and large can be suffering-phobic. We are taught to be ashamed of our pain, our fear, or our difference. We are taught to avoid the suffering of others as though we will somehow become tainted if …

poetry wednesday

I loved my friend I loved my friend (S)he went away from me There’s nothing more to say The poem ends, Soft as it began- I loved my friend. -Langston Hughes Dedicated to Laurie Foley on this late March day.

I will not be quiet. I am intolerant of your intolerance.

I am thinking of the singular commitment of the North Carolina General Assembly to being pioneers in bigotry and hatred, willful unknowing, and discrimination because of ignorance and fear. It hurts me, deeply, to know that my lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex friends face this kind of reality daily, …

for love and wonder are the same thing

HOLY WATER   At Easter every year the priest poured a small vial of it for each family in the parish   my grandmother pouring hers into a silvery blue font inside her bedroom door   a little pocket of Heaven into which she dipped her hand each time she …

Strong Offer Friday: How to do anything in 11 steps.

Forget that it’s the starting that stops you. There’s a storyline in your head that is not helping you. Every time it starts up (“I’m no good at this,” “I tried this before,” “Who am I to do this?” “I need more data”), simply say “thinking” and refocus on starting. No …

This looks really hard. Is there anything I can do to help you?

I struggled to get him out of the ice cream parlor, his arms and legs splayed out to catch us in the doorframe, screams echoing through the birthday party we were leaving early. He had lost at an arcade game, and the thunderstorm, as we called them, was in full …

sunday sounds : t.s. eliot reads prufrock to us

Here’s a poem I memorized once upon a time. If I met you on the street and you asked, I could likely still recite it for you, though in a decidedly more Southern drawl than T.S. Eliot does here.

thinking thursday : ideas on which to ruminate

Some of what I’ve been seeing and thinking about around the web this week: MIND “There are two paths in life: Should and Must. We arrive at this crossroads over and over again. And each time, we get to choose.” Are you at the crossroads of Should and Must? It …

poetry wednesday : the distance between desires

Distance Between Desires From the moon to the end of this poem hums the distance between desires. In troughs of night Jasmine slept, numb from the consumption of rays from the moon. Through to its end, this poem fends off desire. A toast to the heavy drum that pulls us …