on the day we were born.

This post first appeared on Aug 16, 2006, was reprinted with an added third act from 2010, a fourth act from 2012, a fifth act from 2014, and now a sixth act from 2016. Happy birthday today to my dear Emma, born on my 33rd birthday.  “Those who love deeply …

five things

  Here’s the song I’ve been listening to on repeat in the car. I’ve loved his rendition of it ever since I saw this. Want to form new habits? Here’s the app I love for that. There is a mesmerizing, beautiful, and zen-like game I love to play. I’m loving …

How to love unconditionally.

I’ll admit it. I have a rough track record on this one, loving unconditionally. I expect more from people sometimes, and sometimes I have been betrayed or lost enormous amounts of money because of loving (and trusting) unconditionally. But I still try. I’m trying. I’m learning. Who was my best …

thinking thursday : racism edition

  There is an epidemic in the U.S. It’s called racism. And it results in lower graduation rates, greater poverty, less access to medical care, greater mortality rates for diseases that are treatable, lower salaries, death, and much more. The killings of two black men this week – Alton Sterling …

Hide and seek

“KEEPING QUIET” BY PABLO NERUDA Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still. For once on the face of the earth, let’s not speak in any language; let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much. It would be an exotic moment without …

thinking thursday : deep and light subjects you need to know about all in one

MIND This is a long read, and so worth it. A woman is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Think you’ve read stories like this before? You haven’t. This is why I started taking mandolin lessons. BODY So close. So damn close to being saved. In case you’re having a rough time of …

strong offer Friday : come, retreat with me.

I must think more clearly when I am near the sea; all my 2016 and 2017 retreats are planned near water. June 2016 Do you falter when people ask what you do? Do you yourself know your own gifts and how to best live into them? This retreat, Clarify Your …

thinking thursday : books, cardamom, anger, dying, presence, and Prince

MIND A story of Meryl Streep‘s strength. What does it mean when we say a book is brave? “I sometimes wonder if what we’re really trying to praise is not the subject matter or the politics or even the aesthetics of the book, but the author’s ability, or even just …

poetry wednesday : come into the presence of still water

The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his …

In a world of danger, we use what we can.

When I was little, I thought that if I held my tongue up over my front teeth, nothing could happen to them. So, for example, if I fell down the stairs at school (not at home, silly; only rich people had two story houses), and got my tongue up there …