do you have last minute gifts to get?

I’m not a big shopper. I can’t remember the last time John and I exchanged gifts at Christmas, and we don’t buy a lot for the kids, either. So perhaps I’m the least likely person to compile a gift-giving guide. But when I do give a gift, it’s with intention, …

2017 Hard Conversations Book Club Reading List Announced

I’ve just announced the 2017 reading list for the Hard Conversations Book Group. Feel free to join us! The book group is free and we meet by teleconference call the 3rd Sunday of each month from 8-9pm Eastern to discuss that month’s book. Our focus in 2017 is on books …

37days of Activism

You wanted to know what role you would have played in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s? Now’s your time to find out. You were shocked by the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election, and the aftermath of racial violence. You didn’t know this kind of racism still existed …

Thanksgiving dinner dialogue. Are you ready for it?

Preparing For Thanksgiving With People Whose Viewpoints Are Not Like Your Own Important: The group, “Stand up for Racial Justice” is committed to helping you over your Thanksgiving meal. Go here for info on how to access the resources they are committing to helping you, and check out the text …

Thanksgiving, the vegan way.

Thanksgiving Ponderings at our house: Tofurkey (the children insist) With Vegan Gravy And maybe some Vegan dinner rolls And definitely some Vegan Stuffing with Cauliflower salad Or Whole roasted cauliflower with pomegranate seeds Or Roasted squash-pecan-pomegranate salad And Vegan Garlic Mashed Potatoes With, perhaps, Vegan Green Bean Casserole Or, more …

What is the unmet need that has just been expressed?

I wish I could say that I am shocked by the racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, and white supremacy in this country that led, in part, to the election of Donald Trump, but I am not. Having done diversity work for 30+ years, I am not shocked by the …

Walking into this new day.

We have a lot of work to do. To my friends who are people of color, who are gay or lesbian or transgender or gender queer or anywhere on the sexual orientation continuum that is not straight, to my friends who are Muslim or Jewish or anything that is not …

Let the healing begin.

On this (and every) day, bless our hearts. Bless our well-educated and sure hearts. Bless our less educated and unsure hearts. Bless our blind spots and bless our clear vision. Bless our scared, disenfranchised hearts and our sure-footed ones. Bless our angry hearts and our hearts filled with love. Bless …

forever hold your penguin dear, in memory of Meta

Ten years ago this evening, a young woman died in a car accident here in Asheville. This is the story of her extraordinary leave-taking. Our job is to keep the dead alive by telling their stories. I hope you will take a moment on this autumn day to whisper the name, …


I am not interested in political statements or warnings or diatribes on this anniversary of 9/11. I’m not inclined to write a post about how we’ve lost our way in the years since then, about how the terrorists have won if their goal was to irretrievably break this country apart …