carry on and buy art.

From a Facebook posting of mine:
Friends and Fellow Country(wo)men,
A lot of people own small businesses. And many people are artists and musicians and creative sparks who make their living making their art. AND ISN’T THAT FANTASTIC!
You know what isn’t fantastic? When you go to an art fair and ask for a better deal. Pay what the artist has suggested is fair for their time and expertise. Be grateful that there are people in the world making art.
Other things that are not fantastic:
1) Asking writers and artists and other small business owners why their stuff costs so much or why they can’t give you a free whatever. That is far from fantastic. Please. Do you ask this at grocery stores? Or do you simply pay what the grocery store is asking you to pay for those double-dipped Oreos? Why do we believe we can do this to small business owners or artists whose margins are very slim to begin with?
2) Seeing art made by someone, telling them you could make that yourself, and then making it yourself rather than buying it from the person who actually had the idea in the first place. Not cool. Support artists in the way you would like to be supported if you were sitting in the sun all day at a craft fair.
3) We all love a deal. I know that. Ask big box stores for deals, not individuals. Also, when you buy a book for a big discount, no author is getting anything from that sale.
4) If you commit to purchasing something that involves the payment of money, follow through on your commitments. This is particularly true if the artist has provided a payment plan to make it easier for you.
Carry on and buy art.