thinking thursday
I love a good documentary. Let’s all watch these and then talk about them. And then we can watch these and talk about them.
You might find this Aspie quiz of interest.
Ram Dass on navigating the mind fields: “When I started to dive deeper into my being, I began to rest in a place where I simply became an environment for people to run through their projections without my buying into them. When I see people start to talk now it’s very much like the Dr. Strange comic books, where you see the thought bubbles of people, and they go around encasing each other in these bubbles. Each person tells you who they think they are, and who they think you are.” Later, he tell us, “Just notice yourself with poignancy. Be compassionate. You’re a poignant human. And you’ve got all your stuff. You’ve got lust, greed, hatred, ill wills, agitation and doubt. That’s what you are doing here. If you didn’t have those, you wouldn’t be here. That’s who we are. That’s this plane of reality. There are other planes, where others don’t have all those things, and you’ll have plenty of chances for that. So don’t worry. Enjoy this one. Be human. Try being human.”
Does your whole life need changing? Then evidently you need to eat this bread.
Is depression a kind of allergic reaction? “A family of proteins called cytokines sets off inflammation in the body, and switches the brain into sickness mode.” “A diet rich in trans fats and sugar has been shown to promote inflammation, while a healthy one full of fruit, veg and oily fish helps keep it at bay.”Oh, yes. I want to make this for dinner tonight.
Have I mentioned I love snail mail?
As a site of memory and consciousness, the Whitney Plantation Museum is meant to pay homage to all slaves on the plantation itself and to all of those who lived elsewhere in the US South. A labor of love.
You can give gifts that will enrich the spirit.
We hear a lot of talk about bullying in schools. What we might be forgetting is adult bullying (see particularly 4:58+)
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” -Mary Oliver
(photo from The Whitney Plantation)