mindful monday : clean clementine lines
There are three rooms left to do, to clear out, to declutter and make spacious-er.
And the attic.
And the basement.
Oh at the stuff.
Some of it is boxes of papers I will never use again. I don't need them. I don't want them.
Some of it is mementos. I don't need them. I want them.
And then some things I feel I need and I want.
Sorting. Making photos of precious things I don't need to physically have anymore, but want a piece of, even if in the form of a photograph.
My attic office needs making: white, turquoise, clementine. Repainting something to resemble this simple orange desk. Lots of light. A space now filled with boxes and dark.
We throw too much away. Plastic bags full of stuff, of food, of paper. To sit in a landfill somewhere. That's because we buy too much in packages and we don't compost and we print things that don't need to be printed. We don't reuse what we could. I'm committed to changing that. Here are some helpful hints on reducing waste to which I'll be paying close attention.
And it's "No Impact Week." What better time to commit to reducing your impact on the environment?
How about we do a better job of asking and giving and reusing? This little house on a shoestring is such a beautiful example of that. I want to learn how to build things.
Part of my impulse toward simplicity and spaciousness is to create an internal spaciousnes as well, one that is hard to do when smothered from the outside in. I realize I need to get back to yoga and I need to also sit every day.
I don't. But I am going to. My friend Susan Piver can help teach me.