everything is writing, writing is everything.
I'm participating in a 31-day blogging challenge called reverb10, responding to writing prompts that are designed to elicit reflections on 2010, and hopes for 2011. You can find out more about it here. I am challenging myself to respond in 15 minutes or less to each prompt.
Today's challenge: Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?
The short answer: everything I do, everything I live, breathe, hear, see, witness, notice, eat, smell, drink, think, regret, love, admire, fear…. it all contributes to my writing. I can eliminate nothing.
The longer answer: things that keep me from writing include flights, procrastination, menopause, itchy clothes, dirty dishes in the sink, comparisons with others, laundry, dust, phone calls, Facebook, Twitter, the dog scratching himself incessantly, the sound of leaves outside on concrete, the sunset, feeding the cats, false expectations of myself, incessant curiousity, volunteering, wondering how to make sushi, M&Ms, fear, stories about what writers really are and what I'm not, running out of ink, marveling at Magic Erasers, Spongebob Squarepants, not having a writing shed built on a lazy susan so I can turn it to always face the sun…
The real answer: The only thing that keeps me from writing is me.