Creatively stuck? Come, learn The Six Creative Commitments to get you unstuck!


[Rock My World rocks by Kim Mailhot]

I'm so excited to hit the road and share The Six Creative Commitments from my newest book, Creative is a Verb: If You're Alive, You're Creative. I hope you'll join me at one of my stops starting October 16th – there will be magic and laughs and bookmarks and inspiration and beautiful touchstones!

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

11 comments to " Creatively stuck? Come, learn The Six Creative Commitments to get you unstuck! "
  • I just realized you are coming here! (Well…very, very near here!)

    See you Sunday!

  • Shucks! I will be in CT this weekend but in a retreat. Hopefully you’ll have the opportunity to venture to New England again.

  • Come to the Dallas or Houston area Patti! Or even the OK City area. I can try to make it to any of those three areas. I’d love to see you and hear you speak in person. I just ordered the other two books and I’d love to buy the third one from you then. :) I’ve got my fingers crossed.

  • Yay! I just got your new books in the mail this week. Will see you in November in Decatur. Happy book touring!

  • My copy of your book arrived safe and sound in Buenos Aires – Argentina yesterday. Looking forward to savouring each page.
    Thanks! :)

  • I just looked at your aging photos and yes, isn’t it a trip though? Loving it. And I am MUCH further along than you are!!!! It just keeps getting better and better…(even with looser skin! LOL)

  • eeeeek! I just realized that you’ll be in my state (NJ) … unfortunately, just a bit too far for me to make it up to see you

    know that i’ll be waving at you in spirit as you travel nearby

  • Hey patti–I got my copy yesterday!! stupendous book!! (and I’m not just saying that cuz I have an illustration in the book;-)I read 1/2 of it the first night….wow! gave me alot to think about…thanks!

  • Terry Hartley

    Hi Patti–happy tour! My copy of the book arrived just as I was heading out to the airport to fly to GB. Delivery on a Sunday?! So surprised. So–I took it with me @ 37,000 feet and held it conspicuously (addicted to the aisle seat as I am) so that fellow travelers would see it and crave it. It is now well traveled!

  • I’ve marked your Skokie, Illinois date on the calendar…in permanent Sharpie ink! I’m so excited you’ll be reading/speaking just a little more than an hour’s drive from me. Your books have been such a source of inspiration during these past six months.

    This past summer, I just happened to “stumble” upon a copy of Life is a Verb. I will never forget my sheer delight when I came across a reference to Malaprops bookstore in Life is a Verb. “Could it be?” I wondered. “Could she mean my favorite little bookshop in my favorite little town in the whole wide universe?” I hadn’t read the author bio blurb yet, so I quickly flipped to the back of the book to read that you were, indeed, from my husband’s and my future home of Asheville, NC. It may sound corny, but I knew at that moment that your book and my life crossing paths was meant to be. I devoured the first book and shared it with many. I read Four Word Self Help and am well into Creative is a Verb.

    Reading Life is a Verb was like the little green light I needed to move forward with a career switch from a going-nowhere-but-pleasing-everybody-else corporate J-O-B to a creativity- and service-filled purpose as a creative journaling coach and artist. Your wit, humor and willingness to fully inhabit life are an inspiration. Thank you for what you do, Patti! On a day when I’m feeling somewhat frustrated that I still have to balance the corporate job with my passion, your blog and words offer encouragement and respite. I can’t wait to hear you speak in December! —Sara Rae

  • Kristy

    Come to Virginia! :)

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