A book tour takes shape!

When Life is a Verb came out, I went to 43 cities hosted by readers (WOW! That's what I call a true grassroots tour!) and had a blast, made lifelong friends, played Bingo-A-Go-Go, and even visited the Football Hall of Fame and saw Johnny Unitas' helmet and jersey!
Would you like me to come to your town? Or participate via Skype with your book club? Let me know by sending an email to patti@pattidigh.com with BOOK TOUR as the subject line.
Dates will be added to this list as they are confirmed. We're just beginning! I still am harboring my dream of creating an Airstream Art Bus to tour around in, so who knows how I'll circumnavigate the globe for this tour! (If you know of an Airstream for sale, or have one to loan me, let me know).
September 4, 2010 – Decatur, Georgia (Decatur Book Festival)
September 16, 2010 – Hastings, Nebraska (Prairie Books and Gifts & Blue Moon Coffee Co., time TBA)
September 19, 2010 – Asheville, NC (Malaprop's Book Store, 5pm)
October 16, 2010 – Hendersonville, NC (Joy of Books, 11am)
November 5, 2010 – Beaverton, OR (Powell's, with Jen Louden & Susan Piver, 7pm) [followed on November 6, 2010, with a one-day writing retreat taught by me, Jen, and Susan, in downtown Portland, Oregon)
November 13, 2010 – Asheville, NC (Malaprop's Book Store, 7pm)
December 3, 2010 – Raleigh, NC (Ornamentea, time TBA)
December 4, 2010 – Winston-Salem, NC (Bethania Mill & Village Shoppes, Shana Whitehead Yoga, time TBA)
December 7, 2010 – Indianapolis, IN (Barnes & Noble, 82nd Street, 7pm)
December 10, 2010 – Skokie, Illinois (Barnes & Noble, Old Orchard Center, 7:30pm)
December 17, 2010 – Asheville, NC (Accent on Books, 6pm)