thinking thursday.
Here's what I'm reading now: Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence, The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School; and Medium Raw. How about you? What should I add to my book stack?
Put more in. (Thanks to Malaprop's Bookstore for the link)
The Rejection Gene: "One of the reasons entrepreneurship so favors the male sex in early adulthood is because of the relationship of young males to risk and rejection." (Thanks to Emma Alvarez Gibson)
body :: my place and yours
oh my. want. deep, deep want. (Thanks to Glad Doggett)
Wow. The Billion Dollar-O-Gram. (Thanks to Beth Kujawski).
18th-century ship found at Trade Center Site. (Thanks to Tana Butler)
Dare we hope? "HIV research is undergoing a renaissance that could lead to new ways to develop vaccines against the AIDS virus and other viral diseases." (Thanks to Kim Cromwell)
soul :: my heart and yours
Reflecting Goodness. This is a brand new blog you'll want to read. I love what she posted from Hafiz about the sun and love and light.
I want to be Betty White when I grow up. Or, as Tana Butler said on Facebook when she posted this link: "Oh, Betty, just when I think I couldn't love you more. 'Charles Darwin.'"
What can I say? I love his laugh. IT'S NOT RATIONAL, PEOPLE. I KNOW THAT.
Facebook saves lives.
A final thought :: Don't apologize for who you are or the art you create. -C.J. Rider
[I took this photo from an aisle seat as we readied to land in Las Vegas last week. I love the watercolor feel of it, the teal and the rust, the earth from the sky.]