thinking thursday.

Santa Fe ceremony2 mind :: my brain and yours

I am posting this "thinking thursday" from 37,000 above ground. I AM SITTING IN A CHAIR IN THE SKY. That's amazing.

Think you're operating on free will? Think again.

learning :: my education and yours

U.S. public libraries: We lose them at our peril (Thanks to Clara Boza)

body :: my place and yours

ï äm ïn sërïoüs lïke wïth the vëry ïdëä öf thë ümläüt. So imagine my delight at this: The girl who fixed the umlaut (Thanks to Clara Boza)

Read this before you go to the pool or beach: Drowning doesn't look like drowning.

soul :: my heart and yours

50 Years On, 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Still Sings America's Song (Thanks to Mary Meares)

I love her iPhone photography (Thanks to Janet Smith)

It works for me.

A final thought :: Love one another and you will be happy. It is as simple and as difficult as that. -Michael Leunig

[I was honored to be asked to conduct the wedding ceremony of Amy Burchiel and Eric Boger, two people I didn't know before they asked, but whose love for each other shone through like sunlight in a gorgeous kiva in New Mexico last Saturday. The photo accompanying this post (in which I am trying not to cry) was made by Emma, who traveled with me to Santa Fe for the wedding, our last Thelma and Louise road trip of her high school years. May Amy and Eric find many years of happiness and love and grace ahead of them.]

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

5 comments to " thinking thursday. "
  • Clara

    Not only do I love umlauts, but I like saying the word: umlaut, umlaut, umlaut, umlaut. There. I feel much better. Try it.

  • Kim

    Patti, that photo of you made me teary too.

    What a gift, to you, to the couple and their loved ones, to Emma….

    You’re just the right kind of soul to conduct a ceremony of love and commitment (and umlauts too). Love it.

  • Peggy

    wow – will you marry me? (not THAT way – I mean, first I would have to find a man I’d want to marry. At 61+, the ‘talent’ pool is getting smaller. Peggy

  • jylene

    i loved ‘the girl who fixed the umlaut’ !!! i have just finished the second book in the trilogy and this article completely cracked me up. thank you for sharing it!

    and, i must say, what a beautiful photo of you and the happy couple. as always, you continue to inspire me. and emma is a great photographer! xoxox

  • Kathy Weyer

    Patti,you are amazing.

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