thinking thursday.
Alone, with words. "There is too much talk about the literary marketplace, the cultural marketplace, and the marketplace of ideas. We need to remember that a book—or a painting or a piece of music—begins as the product of an individual imagination, and can retain its power even when largely or even entirely ignored."
What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? The end of men. (Thanks to Melissa Pierce)
Do you have an innate sense of direction?
learning :: my education and yours
Carol Dweck on growth mindsets and fixed mindsets
body :: my place and yours
I sure could use a MetroNap Energy Pod. (Thanks to Candace Hammond)
Where are Americans moving?
Patients who view art heal more quickly. More hospitals need Art Carts. How to start a hospital art program. (Thanks to Kara Chipoletti Jones)
Who does she think she is? (Thanks to Patti Edmon)
Suddenly, vacationing in Suffolk appeals to me.
soul :: my heart and yours
communicating sadness in the minor third
50 amazingly achievable things to do before you dieA final thought :: I don't paint things. I only paint the difference between things. -Henri Matisse
[image from here]