thinking thursday.
"The Shallows": this is your brain online.
Native American folktales take a graphic turn.
Young talented writers to read.
learning :: my education and yours
Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems.
Read this: the pleasures of imagination
body :: my place and yours
Well yum-ola.
Speaking of yum-ola, happy birthday week to you know.
Building a little house on a shoestring. A hint to Mr Brilliant for My Writing Shed.
Wow. And not in a good way. (Thanks to Bill Rhodes)
I really want to move into this place immediately or sooner.
Need a calendar to follow World Cup action?
Oh, yeah. The mudflap girl for the smart set.
soul :: my heart and yours
A scare, a scar, a silver lining.
It's a small world, after all.
A final thought :: Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. -Cherokee Indian Proverb