Consider this : nothing is wasted.

Because you are a lover and an artist,
you will have occasion (many, actually)
to open your chest… pull out a ruby…
offer it to The World (or someone in The World)…
and it will be received with as much enthusiasm
as a piece of gum. Chewed, slathered upon, and spat.
This happens to ruby-hearted people who are responsible
for bringing through every shade of r.e.d. in the spectrum
from the gentlest pink to the baddest-assed bordeaux.
This is no small role to play — carrying around rubies
in your heart — and offering the spectrum of r.e.d.,
the tastes of strawberries and mesquite, the squealing sounds
of pain and delight, the heat of hugs and blazes.
We, heart-bearers of r.e.d. rubies love and create
like no one's business because, for us, it ain't business.
It's beingness.
And on those days when your beingness feels
chewed, slathered upon, and spat.
KNOW-know-know that nothing is wasted.
Everything is useful for the deepening of your pigment
the deliciousizing of your flavor, the longevity of your flames.
It's all good. Eventually. Assuredly. Good. All of it.
Erika Harris
www.lifeblazing.comI am gathering wisdom from the far corners of the earth to give my older daughter, Emma, as she graduates from high school. What would you say to her? Or to your own 17-year-old self? What thoughts would you ask her to consider? You can submit your advice (instructions here) and 37 of those will be posted over the next 37 days, one each day, culminating in a free e-book of all the submissions (whether posted during these 37 days or not) after her graduation on June 14th…. and possibly in a print book as well.