Consider this : the decisions that matter are decisions that make something happen
By now you have learned that your mother, my dear friend, has asked those of us who know you to write to you as you graduate from high school.
You will not remember me but your mother can explain to you why she and I have such a good and longstanding relationship.
You will make important decisions in your lifetime and you cannot make good decisions with an empty head. So add to your inherited benefits the benefits of a diverse and interest-driven education. Then add to your education meaningful experience in whatever endeavors you elect to follow. Your ability to make good decisions and contribute to whatever you seek will be a function of your combined education and experience.
Then remember that the decisions that matter are decisions that make something happen. You make things happen only when you consciously recognize the need to apply your personal initiative, creativeness, resourcefulness and values.
Good luck,
[In his CEO role, Mike was my boss at the Society for Human Resource Management, where I grew up to become the Vice President of International and Diversity Programs. To the extent I have grown up, that is. He was the boss I traveled the world with, the one I most likely tortured the most (no need to agree, Mike), the one who challenged me the most–and the one from whom I learned the most. My thanks, Mike.]