thinking thursday.
Welcome to Thinking Thursday. Every Thursday, some links tracing my tracks across the web and a gratuitous link (or twelve) to Johnny Depp thrown in. And because my business partner David Robinson and I have recently decided to refocus our attention primarily on K-12 and teacher education over the next few years, I've added a category that will gather what I'm reading about education and learning–you'll see it below.
mind :: my brain and yours
When language is blocked, music may provide a detour. (Thanks to Maureen Lee)
learning :: my education and yours
It's about passion. Ditching a $500,000 salary to teach literature.
Top 5 ways to use Twitter in the classroom.
body :: my place and yours
How on earth have I lived for 50 years without a crockpot? (Oh, excuse me. We call them "slow cookers" now.) Making my way through this recipe book.
A loft filled with felt. (Thanks to Chad Alice Hagen)
Busy bees use flower petals for their nests. (Thanks to Lori Walters)
soul :: my heart and yours
Sigh. (You do know what's behind that link, even without looking, don't you?)
I want to buy up every photograph on her site.
I was so pleased to talk with Jamie Ridler this week about creative process.
Being present: reasons to write in a notebook
A final thought :: If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word. -Margaret Atwood
[image, "Sweet Dreams," from Gwyn Michael]