thinking thursday.

Gwyn Michael sweet dreams copy Welcome to Thinking Thursday. Every Thursday, some links tracing my tracks across the web and a gratuitous link (or twelve) to Johnny Depp thrown in. And because my business partner David Robinson and I have recently decided to refocus our attention primarily on K-12 and teacher education over the next few years, I've added a category that will gather what I'm reading about education and learning–you'll see it below.

mind :: my brain and yours

When language is blocked, music may provide a detour. (Thanks to Maureen Lee)

learning :: my education and yours

It's about passion. Ditching a $500,000 salary to teach literature.

Top 5 ways to use Twitter in the classroom.

body :: my place and yours

How on earth have I lived for 50 years without a crockpot? (Oh, excuse me. We call them "slow cookers" now.) Making my way through this recipe book.

A loft filled with felt. (Thanks to Chad Alice Hagen)

Busy bees use flower petals for their nests. (Thanks to Lori Walters)

soul :: my heart and yours

Sigh. (You do know what's behind that link, even without looking, don't you?)

I want to buy up every photograph on her site.

I was so pleased to talk with Jamie Ridler this week about creative process.

Being present: reasons to write in a notebook

A final thought :: If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word. -Margaret Atwood

[image, "Sweet Dreams," from Gwyn Michael]

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

4 comments to " thinking thursday. "
  • Love Gwyn’s photography – thank you for the introduction. Waiting for my first of many to arrive.

  • gwyn

    Thank you Patti!!! Always love Thinking Thursday. What took me away this week is those bees. Now that is art! Seriously. I mean think about a life filled with that kind of dedication to building a beautiful nest. I often feel I can relate to that when I am lost in my work, but I will not be creating life in my art :-)

  • Randi Nervig

    I wait in anticipation for your posts every day. They usually arrive a day late in my inbox but that’s ok. More often than not, I read your words with tears in my eyes (in a good way!) but today I was especially excited to see mention of Chad Alice Hagen. I took a class from her years ago and it changed my life. If you communicate with her, please tell her that a former student remembers her with gratitude and pleasure.

  • jylene

    there’s just so much here to love.
    gwyn’s photography is just amazing and beautiful!
    and i will be looking for dani’s books for sure- great article!

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