Consider this : ask yourself this question often

Like all good questions this will slow you down. And slowing down when it comes to judging others will make you gentle and keep you kind.
Because the first thing we see when we meet others is their mask. But if you pause and think a bit, you'll see someone like you. Someone's child. Someone who is uncertain. Someone looking for a star to guide them.
It's always easier to be kind when you know "they" are struggling just like you.
-Mike Wagner
www.OwnYourBrand.comI am gathering wisdom from the far corners of the earth to give my older daughter, Emma, as she graduates from high school. What would you say to her? Or to your own 17-year-old self? What thoughts would you ask her to consider? You can submit your advice (instructions here) and 37 of those will be posted over the next 37 days, one each day, culminating in a free e-book of all the submissions after her graduation on June 14th.