write one name on a slip of paper.

2010-04-12 17.00.34 I want you to do something for me. I want you to find a small box in your house or office, something with a lid. Perhaps even something you love–a trinket made by a child or given to you by your grandmother or that you bought in Sri Lanka that time you went to Pita Kotte. Or a shoe box or the little plastic container that strawberries come in. All are equally valid and good and right. I'll wait right here while you find it. I'll even wait while you eat all the strawberries so you can use their box.

Now that you have the box, I want you to write one word on a tiny slip of paper. That word is Angela.

I want you to fold up that tiny slip of paper and put it in your box with a prayer, a mojo, a lighting of a candle, a dance, a bite from a Twinkie, whatever you do to make wishes come true, do it. Every day for a month at 9:00 a.m. wherever you are, if you don't mind, take out Angela's name and read it silently to yourself, moving your lips as you read. Then tuck it away again. Angela has a recurring brain tumor. We're going to will this young woman healthy again, yes we are. And we can do it. You know we can.

Thanks to my friend Jodi for introducing me to the concept of a god box. That's what you've just created for Angela. If you don't believe in god, don't shy away. You can believe in sunshine for her. You can put other generous wishes and dreams and needs in there, too. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. Let's have faith in the darkness, in the night.

About Patti Digh

Patti Digh is an author, speaker, and educator who builds learning communities and gets to the heart of difficult topics. Her work over the last three decades has focused on diversity, inclusion, social justice, and living and working mindfully. She has developed diversity strategies and educational programming for major nonprofit and corporate organizations and has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences.

15 comments to " write one name on a slip of paper. "
  • Deb

    But would you tell us about Angela? So I can see her in my mind’s /soul’s eye?

  • And faith in each other. I’m so happy to do this. I’ve had Angela in my thoughts since last week and this is a beautiful way to continue to think of her. She will feel the healing power of love, I’m sure of it.

  • Miss Marshall

    Put it in a tiny little box that Mary Alice made with nasturiums painted on the top and a quartz crystal inside.

  • Dawn Meisch

    Patti –

    I will request she get added to my Reiki Teacher’s Healing Request List. Would you have her last initial? That would be helpful to direct the energy to the proper person.

    – Dawn M.

  • Deb – I don’t know Angela… I will ask her to share what she feels comfortable sharing…

    Terry – xoxo

    Miss Marshall – beautiful, perfect.

    Dawn M – her name is Angela Ludwig. many thanks!

  • Chris

    I’ve added her to my prayers.

    I carry a little wooden covered book for anyone who needs prayers. I try add at least one person a day. Sadly, there are days when it is many more than one.

    It has a carving of a quote from Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

    May Angela and all who know and love her find healing and comfort in their lives.

  • Angela Ludwig is a beautiful, kind and gentle soul – she always stops to help any animal in need.

  • chris – my deepest thanks to you and your wooden book.

    janet – what a beautiful image.

  • Done…I had a box that is perfect for being a God box…complete with sequins!

  • I love the idea of a god box ~ and like so many, my box will be overflowing with the names of people who need prayers, positive energy and sunshine.
    And Angela, wherever you are, please know that I have written your name with love in warm colors and placed it gently in my box. Take care.

  • I just found a flowered porcelain jewelry box from my husband’s Nana. It seems to be perfect for this. Angela’s name and my prayers are tucked safely inside.

  • Angela you’re in my thoughts and my chartreuse box.
    Patti, you’re an angel for sharing Angela’s story with us. Truly.

  • Barbara-Anne

    How timely….for those of you doing this, if you would add another piece of paper with the name Laura. Laura is a friend of mine, also with a brain tumor. Diagnosed a year and a half ago, and is in sadly now off of her chemo meds. She is married to her college sweetheart, she is 39, and has two children – a son who is 10 and a daughter who is 5.

  • Nicki

    A God box and a book of names of people that need prayers. I feel my heart go soft and I am going to do both. Thank you

  • I’ve continued this lovely practice into June…does anyone have any news about Angela? Any other names for my God Box?

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